Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cover Comparisons [11]

I haven't actually read Inside Out (thought its been on my TBR list for awhile now) but I just couldn't resist doing a cover comparison for it. This is probably because I absolutely adore one of its covers.... But I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets take a look at the two covers shall we?

                                             US Cover                      UK Cover

US Cover: This cover is weird to me. Everything about it feels very clinical. Plus, the way the girl is breaking through the paper creeps me out. Its like she's coming to get me or something.... >.<

UK Cover: THIS COVER IS SO AMAZING! I actually didn't want to read Inside Out until I saw this cover. Its just so gorgeous. The lighting, and mysterious shadow figure are both very intriguing, plus I love the tagline! Why didn't they use it on the US cover? It would have been a welcome addition.

So who wins? I definitely prefer the UK cover. Its mysterious, and dynamic, and the tagline is epic! The US cover just can't compare.

Which cover of Inside Out do YOU like best? Be sure to vote in the poll below and sound off in the comments about why you made your decision!

Julia :)


  1. I do think that the UK cover is more intriguing. I feel like if I walked round with the US edition, people would believe I was reading about a crazed hospital escapee, or that the book was all about breaking through the fourth wall!

    Inside Out is a book I've been meaning to read too, I'll try to get on that!

  2. Her breaking through the paper or wall now that you mentioned it, I remembered that it has a meaning, literary, in my opinion. And her eyes play a part in the book, too. BUT I love the UK cover. I want a poster of it.

    I'm always stalking your blog, Julia! This is one of my favorite blogs!


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