Monday, March 26, 2012

Kawaii Monday: Panda Bread

One of my friends posted a picture of this Panda Bread on Facebook and I just had to show it to you guys. Not only is it awesome but it's also one of the cutest edible things I have ever seen. I WANT TO MAKE IT SO BAD!

I mean look at it. How cool is that? You're probably wondering how the heck they got the panda image inside the loaf. Allow me to show you:

Interesting huh? Seems pretty straightforward but I'll bet it's harder than it looks. Just wait, I'll try to make this bread and it will turn out looking nothing like a panda.... >.<

If you want to try your hand at panda bread making you can find the recipe here!

Julia :)


  1. Awwww so cute! I never would have thought you could make it that way, so awesome! I hope you have an awesome week Julia! :)

  2. Cute indeed! I hope you'll make it, I want to have your opinion on the recipe!


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